Why Do We Celebrate Independence Day on July 4th
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Why Do We Celebrate Independence Day on July 4th? Some Interesting Facts and History

Don’t be fooled by this ancient mystery, every country has a 4th of July. But only the United States celebrates its anniversary (and independence) and July 4th. But what makes July 4th so special?

Some Interesting Facts and History

  • Independence Day, also known as July 4 and July 4, commemorates the signing of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776.
  • At that time, the Thirteen Colonies declared their freedom from the domination of the British monarchy during the War of Independence through the Continental Congress.
  • The actual separation from British rule took place on July 2, when the Continental Congress voted to pass a resolution on independence.
  • Two days later, five members of Congress drafted the so-called Declaration of Independence and presented it to the entire Congress.
  • The five members who drafted the document are known as the Committee of Five: John Adams, Roger Sherman, Benjamin Franklin, Robert R. Livingston, and Thomas Jefferson.
  • Adams became the second President of the United States in 1797. He firmly believed that July 2 was the right date to celebrate independence and would decline invitations to July 4 celebrations.
  • Jefferson followed Adams’ tenure and became the third President of the United States in 1801.
  • Jefferson and Adams died on July 4, 1826, the 50th anniversary of the signing of the original document.
  • When the War of Independence broke out, complete independence from Britain was unpopular and considered radical.
  • As the war progressed, the independence of the people grew as the war became more hostile and people got new ideas about independence.
  • Today, the original Declaration of Independence can be viewed at the National Archives Museum in Washington D.C. can be viewed. (If you ever get a chance to go to the National Archives and see the Declaration of Independence, please do -EM).
  • One of the first celebrations was in Bristol, Rhode Island, where 13 cannon shots were fired morning and night in 1777.
  • Philadelphia also celebrated 1777 with toasts, speeches, gun salutes, parades, and fireworks. The ships in its ports were also red, white, and blue.
  • In 1938, Independence Day became a paid federal holiday. This had previously been unpaid vacation since 1870.
  • Since July 4th falls on a Sunday this year, the National Day is observed on Monday.

Many sites are playing it safe and have canceled their regular events or fireworks due to COVID-19, including the city of Auburn. While Emerald Downs will have it’s normal, albeit skinny, event on July 3, the city will not be hosting its annual festival on July 4.

If you are looking for a place to go or do something, here is a list of the places that are still celebrating.

Also Read: International Father’s Day 2021: Date, History, Significance, and Facts

If you are hosting or attending a meeting at home, remember to drive soberly and use all fireworks with great care.

As we celebrate July 4th every year, it’s important to remember that freedom wasn’t absolute until many years later. Slavery was still prevalent in the United States and it was not until 1865 that most slaves were finally freed under the Emancipation Proclamation.

It is for this reason that the United States celebrates two Independence Days each year: July 4 and July 15.

All of us at AE wish you a fantastic July 4th this weekend. Eat those hot dogs, put on some sunscreen, and watch the fireworks.

Stay safe, put on some music, stay hydrated, and have a safe and happy Independence Day!