Why Black Holes Are The Most Dangerous Thing In The Universe?
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Why “Black Holes” Are The Most Dangerous Thing In The Universe?

Why “Black Holes” Are The Most Dangerous Thing In the Universe?

Black holes are the scariest thing the universe has to offer. Black holes are the area of space where the gravitational force becomes stronger and nothing can escape.

Black holes are scary for three reasons:

When a star dies, a black hole is left behind and everything that falls into it will be in tatters.

Massive black holes are at the center of all galaxies and have unlimited capabilities to solve anything that falls into them.

All the laws of physics are destroyed in black holes.

Black holes are created when a giant star dies. The properties of the normal star allow astronomers to infer the properties of a black hole.

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Huge black holes are dangerous in two ways. If you get too close, the immense gravity will suck you in.

Large galaxies have larger black holes. Nothing can escape from black holes, even light is absorbed.

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