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WhatsApp tweets no accounts will be deleted if the new privacy policy is ignored

Facebook’s own messaging app WhatsApp has released a new post regarding its controversial privacy policy, which ensures that users’ personal messages are not displayed and the account is not deleted as users can accept messages and new conditions whenever they want.

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The statement was posted on Twitter on May 15, when the updated privacy policy and terms of use were due to go into effect.

In a very brief, almost sarcastic way, the company said, “* Check the schedule. To pour coffee *. OK. Let’s do it. No, we can’t see your personal messages. No, we will not delete your account. Yes, you can always accept.”

The company announced in early January that it would continue its controversial update to its privacy policy, but would allow users to read it at “their own pace” and also display a banner with additional information.

Also ReadWith the latest WhatsApp update, You can speed up voice messaging

In January, the messaging platform informed users that it was preparing a new privacy policy that would allow it to share limited user data with Facebook and its group companies.

This sparked worldwide turmoil, sending users to competing apps Telegram and Signal, among others. This caused WhatsApp to delay the launch of the new policy in May, clarifying that the update was aimed at allowing users to communicate with corporate personnel conversations.

The company also ran a damage control campaign to explain the changes made to users.