With the latest WhatsApp update, You can speed up voice messaging
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WhatsApp Business Introduces More New Features To Make The Messaging Efficient

Last Updated on: 3rd June 2021, 07:25 pm

At this year’s Facebook F8 Refresh, the company announced the WhatsApp business introduces more new features to make the messaging efficient to their customers. WhatsApp now allows users to send different types of messages, including the ability for businesses to send notifications of product replenishment.

WhatsApp wants to create regular updates for businesses, just like we see regular updates from health-related government sources during the ongoing pandemic.

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In addition, WhatsApp for Business now receives a list of up to 10 templates that can be helpful to users when replying to text messages on the platform. You can choose one of the three options, tap ‘Reply’ and that’s it. It will save some time in case you don’t want to write the answer.

According to WhatsApp, “companies can create and manage options in advance from their WhatsApp Business API account.

According to a WhatsApp statement, “Customers should take the initiative to speak to a company. If customers want the company to contact them on WhatsApp, they must request it too.”

Along with these updates, we’re also improving the feedback option. so people can share their experiences with you in case they ever block a deal.

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