5 Ways To Prevent Cyber Attacks
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5 Ways To Prevent Cyber Attacks

5 Ways To Prevent Cyber Attacks

The popular online game Roblox experienced a major data breach that resulted in the leaking of personal information from nearly 4,000 developers online.

The leaked information reportedly includes names, phone numbers, email addresses, dates of birth, and physical addresses of attendees at the Roblox developer conferences held between 2017 and 2020.

Cybersecurity expert Oliver Green, founder of autoclicker.io, shares 5 tips on how game companies can protect their developers from cyberattacks and ensure optimal cybersecurity.

Protecting online developers from cyberattacks is vital for gaming companies to protect their intellectual property, data, and the integrity of their games. Organizations can take several steps to provide optimal security for their developers.

Security Training

This will help keep developers and collaborators updated on all security issues. It’s important to make sure they’re aware of common cyber threats, phishing scams, and best practices for data handling and secure coding.

Access Control

Implementing a robust access control system helps restrict access to sensitive information and critical systems to authorized personnel.

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

Multi-factor authentication (MFA) must be applied to all accounts, including developer accounts. This is intended to provide additional protection against unauthorized access.

Data Encryption

It’s important to ensure that sensitive data is encrypted both in transit and at rest. This ensures that even if intercepted, it remains unreadable without the correct decryption keys.

Secure APIs

If your company’s games use APIs (Application Programming Interfaces), it’s important to make sure they’re properly secured and have the right authentication mechanisms in place.

There are several methods you can use to ensure authentication:

  • Simple HTTP authentication that requires a user to provide a user ID and password.
  • API Key, where a user needs a unique identifier configured for each API and known to the API Gateway.
  • Token generated by an Identity Provider (IdP) server. OAuth 2 is the most popular protocol that supports this method.
  • You should at least use an API key (asymmetric key) or simple access authentication (user/password) to make your system more difficult to hack into. However, for strong API security, consider using OAuth 2 as the protocol of choice.

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