Victoria Govt Bans door-to-door sales of solar energy products
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Victoria Govt Bans door-to-door sales of solar energy products

Last Updated on: 26th May 2021, 12:27 am

Door-to-door sales of solar products will be banned under Victoria’s Solar Homes program due to new laws introduced in state parliament today.

As part of the Andrews government’s energy market reforms, the ban would come into effect on September 1 of this year. The move follows growing calls for a ban on the sale of solar door-to-door activities in Victoria and elsewhere as the practice has been problematic across Australia.

Earlier this month, a solar company in Victoria was fined $3 million and its manager was fined $450,000 in a federal court ruling related to its door-to-door operation.

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In that case, the judge said the company’s conduct, with more than 4,300 contracts, potentially caused millions of dollars in losses to consumers because the company sold systems at costs several thousand dollars above prevailing market prices. While much of the solar sales activity in Victoria is under the Solar Homes program, the above case involved a company operating outside of the company.

Gerard Brody, CEO of the Consumer Action Law Center, previously called for a general ban on the sale of solar houses.

“Basically, any ban must cover the entire solar industry and not just companies that participate in the government’s solar house program. Some of the worst cases of wrongdoing occur outside of this program.”

As we have said many times here at SQ, buying solar power systems by selling them door to door is a risky business and has such a bad reputation that most good solar companies just don’t get involved in the activity.

If you are considering taking the risk, do your research about buying solar power, understand your rights, and get reviews of the business in question before signing on the dotted line.

Be aware that some companies may work under the radar or work at night for a period of time.

Solar Energy companies “on termination”

Another part of the so-called “Energy Fairness Bill” is the ban on electricity and gas retailers from using sales tactics from the end of this year.

Pressure to sign energy retail contracts – including door-to-door sales or unsolicited telephone advertising. . Short-term energy discounts, which cost customers more in the long term, are also banned.

“We are banning high-pressure sales tactics such as unsolicited door-to-door sales and cold calling to prevent Victorian households from being exploited by dubious energy companies,” said the Energy Secretary. Environment and Climate Change, Lily D’Ambrosio.

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Another element of the Andrews Administration’s Energy Fairness Bill is fines of up to $1 million for energy retailers mistakenly segregating vulnerable Victorians.