UAE To Transform Schooling By Hiring And Training New Teachers
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UAE To Transform Schooling By Hiring And Training New Teachers

Last Updated on: 26th June 2023, 01:03 pm

UAE To Transform Schooling By Hiring And Training New Teachers

Schools in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) have launched an initiative where they will hire new Emirati graduates and train them to become full teachers in order to promote teaching as a preferred profession among Emiratis and achieve Emirati goals.

Taleem, one of the largest education groups in the UAE, will launch this program in September to train Emiratis and enable them to work as teachers.

Additionally, another education group, Gems, will recruit and train more Emirati graduates in line with Emirati goals. Emiratization is the initiative of the government of the United Arab Emirates, which requires companies with more than 50 employees to hire 2% Emiratis in their workforce and gradually increase this number to 10% by 2026.

Talat Goldie, Taaleem’s Human Resources Manager, confirmed that the new teacher training project will begin in the new academic year, which will begin in September. High school graduates and university graduates should also be recruited as learning assistants who could remain in the teaching profession in the long term.

Talat also pointed out that they can become competent teachers under a 3- to 5-year plan, with prospects of becoming deputy principals and principals in the future. Taleem’s ultimate goal, he said, is to have an Emirati manager.

He further said that Taleem will be scouting the Northern Emirates for undiscovered Emirati talent, particularly recent high school graduates from Ajman, Fujairah, and Ras Al Khaimah.

Also Read: UAE Launch Special Initiative For Underachieving Students

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