UAE Are The First Country To Switch To The 4.5-Day Week
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UAE Are The First Country To Switch To The 4.5-Day Week

Last Updated on: 16th July 2023, 03:06 pm

UAE Are The First Country To Switch To The 4.5-Day Week

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) government has decided to extend the weekend and introduce new official working hours during the week, and the guidelines will come into effect on 1st January 2022.

All UAE government units are reported to have a four-and-a-half-day work week and the extended weekend will include Friday afternoon, Saturday, and Sunday.

The official opening times from Monday to Thursday are 7.30 a.m. M. At 3:30 p.m. M., During working hours on Friday it is 7.30 a.m. M. At 12:00 pm M., and the employees have the opportunity to work from home on Friday.

In addition, Friday sermons and prayers in the UAE take place after 1:15 p.m. to give government officials enough time to ensure their participation in the community’s weekly prayer.

The United Arab Emirates became the first country in the world to officially introduce a four-and-a-half-day week and a two-and-a-half-day weekend compared to the global five-day week and weekends. of the week. two days.

In an official statement, the UAE government said the long weekend is part of its efforts to improve work-life balance and social well-being while improving performance to promote competitiveness.

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Even after a two-day weekend, the new working week will ensure the smooth flow of financial, trade, and economic transactions with countries, making it easier to strengthen international business relationships and opportunities for thousands of multinational companies and companies headquartered in the United Arab Emirates. adds the statement.

This development comes after the Federal Human Resources Authority of the United Arab Emirates Government (FAGHR) proposed the new work week after conducting a series of feasibility studies to determine the potential impact on the economy, society, and wellbeing.

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