MDCAT Calculator 2024
You can easily check your MDCAT aggregate and merit for admission to medical colleges in Pakistan. Our Medical College Merit Calculator helps you calculate your aggregate and compares it with the previous year’s cutoffs for all medical colleges in Pakistan.
Find out which medical colleges you qualify for without the need to search through extensive merit lists. Simply enter your marks, and we’ll provide you with a list of medical colleges where you meet the admission criteria.
MDCAT Aggregate Calculator 2023
IMPORTANT INSTRUCTION: Comprehending the MDCAT Aggregate Formula is vital for prospective medical and dental students. It stands as an essential tool that unveils the process by which the final MDCAT aggregate is computed, playing a pivotal role in determining your position on the UHS MBBS merit list, considering your MDCAT, FSc, and matriculation scores.
The MDCAT Aggregate Calculator Merit Formula allocates specific percentages to your MDCAT score, your intermediate (FSc), and your matriculation results. To help you better understand this, we have provided a detailed chart outlining the scoring percentages in the following table. As always, even in the current year, your MDCAT score continues to be the most significant component of the aggregate formula.