Who is Ray Lin Howard of Fairbanks, Alaska?
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Who is Ray Lin Howard of Fairbanks, Alaska? Biography, Wiki, Age, Fat Trophy Wife, Kicked Off From Flight, Video Went Viral On TikTok

Last Updated on: 7th September 2021, 10:39 pm

Who is Ray Lin Howard of Fairbanks, Alaska? Biography, Wiki

Ray Lin Howard is a plus-size rapper and stylist who claims she was kicked off a plane by an Alaska Airlines flight attendant for wearing a cropped top.

The claim was made in a TikTok video by Howard from Fairbanks, Alaska. He posts under the name @fattrophywife.

In September 2021, he posted a video on the subject titled “@alaskaair Flight Attendant harassed me for my inappropriate clothing and called the airport police. #bbw #plussize #plussizeedition #bbws #fyp.”

Ray Lin Howard’s Age

Her current age is 33 years.

What Was The Incident?

Ray Lin Howard, a resident of Fairbanks, Alaska, shared an unfortunate incident on TikTok that revealed that she was kicked off a flight for being “fat, tattooed, and multiracial.”

The 33-year-old claimed that she was escorted from the flight because her “stomach showed up” when she was sitting up.

Since he shared the incident online using his @fattrophywife TikTok account, Lin Howard’s video has received more than 1.3 million views.

The plus-size stylist shared her experience with Alaska Airlines on September 3, 2021. She also posted the TikTok on her Instagram page.

When Ray Lin Howard boarded the flight in biker shorts and a crop top, he is said to have sexually abused a flight attendant for her clothing.

Airport police were seen escorting Lin Howard through the airport.

In a video shared online, she said:

“They harassed me for my outfit, I put my shirt back on. They asked me to put my shirt back on. [So] I put my shirt back on, then they came up to me again and said I couldn’t wear this, that my stomach was visible, and that’s inappropriate.”

After flight attendants insisted on covering up for Ray Lin Howard, the TikToker claimed they had put him in a leopard print shirt, but it wasn’t enough.

He also said that he wears a sports bra underneath, which he has shown.

However, when the flight attendants approached her for the third time, the airport authorities found their way back to her.

Ray Lin Howard told airport officials:

“If you want to stimulate me, let me start. I did what you asked me to do. I want you to leave me alone.”

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Allegations That Alaska Airlines

Attendees Threw Her Off The Flight For Wearing A Cropped Top

Howard calls himself a “rapper, stylist, entrepreneur” on TikTok. It refers to a rap video that he recorded on YouTube.

As per TMZ, Alaska Airlines said in a statement that the airline had contacted Howard and was “obligated to find out what happened and take appropriate action.”

Alaska Air told TMZ: “Our goal is to provide responsive service to all of our customers. If we do not achieve this goal, we will do our best to correct it.”

Howard said in another video that the airline gave him discounts and apologized after the incident went viral.

Howard shared a comment from another passenger who wrote: “I was on his flight and the only voice I heard was that of the flight attendant. He was screwed. I’m glad they let you go and that you showed your performance. I also made a complaint to the airline about his business.”

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