Tech Companies Are Using Privacy Laws To Sell More Ads
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Tech Companies Are Using Privacy Laws To Sell More Ads

Tech Companies Are Using Privacy Laws To Sell More Ads

Technology companies make a lot of money from security ads, and their recent popularity has a lot to do with privacy laws.

Every day, companies promote their latest advances in privacy and security, whether it’s through billboards, online ads, or ads on TV shows.

The resurgence of privacy-focused advertising is largely due to the proliferation of privacy regulations. Privacy laws aren’t exactly new, dating back decades, but the introduction of regulations has made compliance a marketable feature.

The General Data Protection Regulation, the California Consumer Privacy Act, and a host of other local laws have forced businesses to prioritize privacy to reflect increasing consumer awareness of the same issue.

According to Whitney Parker Mitchell, CEO and founder of Beacon Digital Marketing, enforcing regulations is accompanied by an increase in compliance-focused personnel working behind the scenes. This influx is leading to an increased focus on privacy and security. Companies then consider whether to incorporate respect for privacy and security into their advertising strategy, a decision heavily influenced by their target audience.

Mitchell says:

Where you emphasize this and how much information you present in your marketing materials really depends on how important it is to the primary buyer.

Parallel to these advertising campaigns, there has been a proliferation of privacy initiatives aimed at consumers. Cobun Zweifel-Keegan, executive director of the International Association of Privacy Professionals in DC, notes that companies are realizing that privacy policies alone are not enough to help consumers understand data practices.

Examples of these efforts include initiatives like privacy controls, where login pop-ups prompt users to update their preferences.

Ultimately, this change benefited privacy and security concerns in particular. Increased regulation and better consumer education served as catalysts for these advertising campaigns.

However, it is important to exercise caution before fully accepting their claims. While not all ads deal with the topic, statements based on subjective claims like “We are the safest” warrant a good dose of skepticism.

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