taher shah new farishta song
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Taher Shah is Trending on internet with his new farishta song

Last Updated on: 29th June 2023, 08:38 pm

Taher shah’s new farishta song has broken the internet with his hilarious visuals and lyrics.

On every social media platform like twitter and youtube farishta song is trending everywhere.

In contrast to his previous songs, Taher shah can’t be seen in this video, but it’s an animated video.

People are giving dislikes and bad comments on this song similar to Taher shah’s Angel song in the previous year.

Check this out what people are saying about this new farishta song on twitter:

Read Another Article: 

It has been viewed by over 180,000 users on YouTube since its inception. The internet broked by it and Twitter also responded.

If you are really keen to watch his new song then check out this YouTube and it is still trending on #4.  

YouTube video

Last lines of this song are:

Farishta Farishta Insaan Farishta
La La La La La La La La

Taher Shah previously released two songs; Eye To Eye in 2013 and Angel in 2016.