Stephen Hawking's archive acquired by academia and the science museums
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Stephen Hawking’s archive acquired by academia and the science museums

Last Updated on: 26th May 2021, 11:56 pm

The University of Cambridge Library and the Science Museum Group have both acquired material from the archives under an In-Place Fiscal Acceptance Agreement (AIL) with the UK Government.

Articles include custom wheelchairs, science bets signed with Hawking’s fingerprint, theoretical physics articles, and his Simpsons scripts.

Taxes of £2.8 million were paid on acceptance of the archives, and taxes of £1.4 million were paid on acceptance of the contents of Stephen Hawking’s office.

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All Hawking office contents are kept as part of the Science Museum Group’s collection.

Selected highlights will be exhibited in 2022.

In November 2018, after his death in March that year, 22 lots from the Hawking estate were sold to Christie’s. They raised a total of £1.82 million all-inclusive.

Culture Secretary Caroline Dinenage said: “Stephen Hawking’s incredible discoveries have had an unforgettable impact on the world. The University of Cambridge Science Museum and Library are ideal homes for those living on the edge of modern science. Thanks to the generosity of his family, this extraordinary collection can now be made available to the public, where it will excite curious minds in the years to come.”

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Lucy, Tim, and Robert Hawking said, “We are delighted that these two important institutions are preserving our father’s work for the benefit of future generations and making his legacy accessible to the broadest possible audience.”