SBP Changes Bank Timings in the COVID-19 crisis
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SBP Reserves Increases From $272 mln To $16.1 bln: Foreign Exchange

Last Updated on: 26th June 2023, 09:57 pm

The National Bank’s foreign currency holdings rose steadily by 1.7% on Thursday, according to the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP).

As of May 28, SBP’s foreign cash holdings were $16,133.6 million, an increase of $272 million from $15,862 million as of May 21. As stated by the National Bank, the rise paid off on the actual income of the Pakistani government.

Also Read: SBP Changes Bank Timings in the COVID-19 crisis

In general, the nation’s holdings of liquid foreign money, including net inventories of banks other than SBP, remained at $23,294.1 million. Banks’ net inventories were $7,160.5 million.

Pakistan acquired $2.5 billion through Eurobonds on March 30, 2021, and offers worthwhile financing costs to credit specialists who want to achieve currency savings.

Pakistan received the main loan tranche of $991.4 million from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) on July 9, 2019, which helped keep the business going. At the end of December 2019, the IMF provided the second loan tranche of around $454 million. The business also grew due to $2.5 billion in tickets from China.

Also Read: Investment in Govt. Papers Set a New Record And Crosses Rs10.3tr: SBP 

In 2020, the SBP effectively repaid more than $1 billion in overseas commitments in the Sukuk development. In December 2019, foreign exchange savings exceeded the $10 billion footprints attributable to inflows from multilateral credit specialists, including $1.3 billion from the Asian Development Bank (ADB).