SBP Officially Releases 75 Rupees Note in Pakistan
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SBP Officially Releases 75 Rupees Note in Pakistan

Last Updated on: 5th July 2023, 06:15 am

SBP Officially Releases 75 Rupees Note in Pakistan

Pakistan celebrates its 75th Independence Day and the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) introduced rupees. 75 commemorative banknotes honoring the country’s Diamond Jubilee.

The central bank unveiled the special note on Twitter earlier today, saying: “The note will be available for public issuance from 30th September 2022.”

Appropriately, the emerald note is accompanied by portraits of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, Sir Syed Ahmad Khan, Allama Muhammad Iqbal, and Mohtarma Fatima Jinnah. The portraits represent the struggle of the founding members of Pakistan for the country’s independence.

SBP Officially Releases 75 Rupees Note in Pakistan
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SBP Officially Releases 75 Rupees Note in Pakistan

Similarly, the reverse vignette designed by artist Sara Khan features the Markhor National Animal and the Deodar National Tree, reflecting the importance of preserving our environment and Pakistan’s unique flora and fauna.

Here is the special contribution:

The Note was approved by the federal government under the SBP Act of 1956 following the recommendations of the SBP Board.

Also Read: SBP Finalized The Design Of A 75 Rupee Commemorative Banknote

The color scheme, portraits, vignettes, and public service message were designed by the State Bank of Pakistan’s internal banknote committee and incorporated into a final note design by banknote designers in De La Street, UK.

The banknote also comes with a host of security features, including a raised print that you can feel when you run your fingers over the portraits, a Quaid-e-Azam portrait watermark, and 75 digits, a Pureimage security thread pulsating holographic rainbow effect, 75-digit micro-letters among others.

Also Read: A New 75 Rupee Note in Pakistan is Going To Be Release On Platinum Jubilee

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