Punjab School Summer Vacation Notice Announces Within Two Weeks, Says Education Minister
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Punjab School Summer Vacation Notice Announces Within Two Weeks, Says Education Minister

Last Updated on: 12th June 2021, 03:09 pm

As the unusually warm weather continues to weigh on students and teachers, a notice by the Punjab Minister of Education about the school summer vacation came like a breath of fresh air.

At a press conference in Lahore on Friday, Minister Raas said that the summer vacation in the province would be announced in two weeks. He said the provincial government is aware of the problems students face due to the bad weather.

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“In the event of an exceptional situation, the government will act accordingly,” he said, adding that the government has changed the opening hours of all schools to avoid the intense midday weather. As of Monday, the schools will open from 700 am to 11.30 am due to the current heat wave.

Several students in Islamabad, Lahore and Sialkot passed out from the extreme heat, and some had to be taken to hospital for treatment. The incidents had forced the government to change school hours.

“Let them take exams and we’ll give them leave. It is wrong to support students without an examination for two years in a row,” explained Education Minister.

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He claimed syllabus were cut to make up for the academic losses students suffered due to school closings during the third coronavirus outbreak.

In addition, the exams will only concern elective subjects.