Prince Harry and Meghan Markle came under fire for injecting 'too many salads of words'
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Prince Harry and Meghan Markle came under fire for injecting ‘too many salads of words’

Last Updated on: 21st July 2023, 06:14 pm

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle came under fire for injecting ‘too many salads of words’

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle were recently criticized for allegedly spilling a heap of word salad at times when they should ‘put their money where their mouth is’.

This claim was made by royal commentator Martin Townsend, former editor of the Popular Newspaper.

In his recent article for the Daily Online News Media, he said: “If you want to do anything, you have to put your mouth on your money.”

Also ReadPrince Harry, Meghan Markle, Warned Against Being At The ‘Center of Royal Ruckus’

“So far we have had a lot of messy words: ‘Let us all live in peace in harmony, while on the other hand, we wage war against the royal family, which many have found at odds with themselves.”

It’s time to put it all behind you and work on the content instead of guessing. Your 40-50 age should be substance rather than glamor.

If there is a definitive guide from Prince Harry and Meghan Markle on how to live your life, you better start writing it down quickly.

Also Read: Meghan Markle could use the friendship with US VP Kamala Harris and Obama to ‘promote their political ambitions’

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