National MDCAT 2020 Result Announced By PMC (Check Here)
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PMC Starts Publishing MDCAT 2020 Recounting Results

Last Updated on: 22nd August 2023, 10:20 pm

The Pakistan Medical Commission (PMC) announced Tuesday that it had started publishing the recounted results of the MDCAT 2020 medical and dental college admission test.

In a message on Twitter, the commission announced that students can now review their new results online on the PMC official website.

Students must enter their MDCAT registration number in the search bar on the website to find the counted results.

The Commission also announced that further inquiries about the results count will be closed over the next two days.

MDCAT 2020 Results Recounting

MDCAT 2020 was held nationwide on November 29th, along with a special test for COVID-19 positive students on December 13th, 2020. The results of both tests were released together on December 16th.

However, the students complained that the results were imprecise and asked the council to count the results.

After numerous complaints, the commission removed the results it had uploaded to its website and gave students the opportunity to have their results counted by filling out an online form.

In a related notice, the PMC announced that a student’s identity information – name, date of birth, gender, or some other aspect – does not match that of their CNIC and may be forwarded to the PMC for a period of time. Rectification.

“This correction will be made free of charge even after the student’s CNIC registration is verified,” said a statement from the PMC.

On December 17, the PMC republished the results of several students who had complained about inconsistencies in the results but claimed that “less than 2%” of the candidates had complained about errors.

For their part, the students claim that most of the results were inaccurate, whereupon the commission decided to run the counting procedure and reissue the results.

Read More: MDCAT 2020: In Major Pakistani Cities, Students Continue To Protest Against Discrepancies In Entry Test

The Students Continue To Protest Against Inaccurate Results

Meanwhile, students who took the MDCAT 2020 entrance test continue to organize street protests in Islamabad, Karachi, Lahore, Peshawar, Hyderabad and other cities, alleging inconsistencies in the test and its results.

The controversy mounts after many candidates took the PMC to court for assigning them “ambiguous and extracurricular test questions, assessment errors and inaccurate candidate data.”

A total of 121,181 candidates took the centralized test in major cities in the country, and 67,611 of them qualified with more than 60% of the grades.