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PMC Says Only FSc Elective Subject Marks Will be Considered For MDCAT 2021 Merit Calculation

Last Updated on: 28th June 2021, 03:15 pm

PMC says only FSc elective subjects (biology, physics, and chemistry) marks will be considered for the MDCAT 2021 merit calculation of applicants for admission to the upcoming sessions of the medical and dental degree programs.

The announcement came after the government decided that the matric and inter-board exams 2021 only assess students in their elective subjects.

Also Read: Students can take MDCAT 2021 entry test prior to their Inter exams, Says Shafqat Mehmood

A PMC correspondant said:

“The National Medical and Dental Council has approved a guideline to determine the value of upcoming MBBS and BDS registrations in accordance with government guidelines. Only the grades of the students in the FSc board examinations 2021 of the natural science electives are used for the calculation of performance. This merit formula applies to all students taking an FSc exam in 2021 and to those who apply based on last year’s FSc exam results or high school diploma results in order to avoid any discrimination when calculating performance.”

He further said that the PMC has also approved a special time window from January 10, 2022, to February 10, 2022, for colleges to welcome candidates who will take the A-level exams in October 2021 and expect their results next February become.

“The specific methodology will be communicated as an addendum to the PMC Ordinance on Basic Medical and Dental Education (Admission, Program, and Conduct) 2021,” he said.

The exams last year were not held because of the pandemic and high school students were mostly promoted without exams.

Students had expected similar promotions this year because the pandemic has not subsided, but Education Minister Shafqat Mahmood insists that exams will be held in 2021, if not just for electives.

Also Read: PMC To Charge 6000 For National MDCAT 2021 Entry Test

The PMC correspondent further stated that the NMDC has generally approved a step-by-step approach to implementing the new medical training standards and that medical training institutions will be given reasonable time to comply with the standards.

Another work is the change in the inspection grades of educational institutions, which are now represented by four points (A +, A, B, and C) instead of the actual points achieved in order to avoid any public assumption about the rankings.