Last Updated on: 1st December 2023, 04:37 am
The so-called giant moon will occur on Tuesday, April 27th at 5:33 pm, and the moon will be full and on the ground floor at the same time. It occurs after 11 hours at a distance of 357,378 kilometers.
The full moon in late April is sometimes referred to as the pink full moon. But it has nothing to do with the color of the moon.
According to the Old Farm Almanac, the full moon is referred to as a blooming flamingo, which is characterized by its pink color.
The term supermoon or super completed is an unprofessional term for the phenomenon when the moon is full and at the same time comes as close as possible to the earth in its orbit. Since there is a certain minimum distance, this phenomenon can occur when one can speak of superfine.
This is also an example for this year. The full moon on Wednesday, May 26th will be the largest angularly this year. It will occur at 1:15 p.m. when there is also a total lunar eclipse but below the horizon.
However, the Moon will be closest to Earth at 3:53 a.m. at a distance of 357,309 km. Petr Horálek.
At the beginning of May, night sky lovers can also look forward to the η-Aquarida meteor shower.
These are grains of ice dust from Halley’s comet. The maximum swarm is on the night of May 5th and 6th.

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