LinkedIn's AI Automatically Writes Messages For You
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LinkedIn’s AI Automatically Writes Messages For You

Last Updated on: 4th July 2023, 06:33 am

LinkedIn’s AI Automatically Writes Messages For You

Generative AI is spreading rapidly across the web, and now it’s LinkedIn’s turn to get a piece of that pie.

LinkedIn Product Manager Keren Baruch presented a solution to the difficult task of creating impactful posts on the platform, especially for new users. To address this issue, LinkedIn is integrating generative AI into message writing, giving users a faster and more efficient alternative in today’s fast-paced environment.

To use this feature, you must provide at least 30 words that describe the main message you want to convey in your post. From this data, the generative AI creates designs that can be directly reviewed, edited or published. Keren Baruch mentioned that the feature is currently in testing and will eventually be available to everyone.

However, there has been significant opposition to this feature within the LinkedIn community. Many argue that this detracts from the authenticity of posts on the platform. They fear that the use of generative AI could turn interactions on LinkedIn into exchanges between chatbots, to the detriment of real human connections.

LinkedIn’s new generative AI capability threatens the delicate balance between efficiency and authenticity. While this advance certainly offers a more efficient way to create content, it’s important to acknowledge concerns about possible erosion of genuine engagement.

As the feature progresses through its testing phase, it will become imperative that LinkedIn actively address user concerns and ensure that generative AI integration remains aligned with the platform’s overall goals.

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