Who is Leden Boykins?
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Who is Leden Boykins? Biography, Wiki, Age, Car Crash, Killed, Family And Police Investigation Report

Last Updated on: 13th September 2021, 10:09 pm

Who is Leden Boykins? Biography, Wiki

Leden Boykins was the victim of a high-speed car chase that resulted in an accident in which he died.

Boykins was a passenger in a car driven by a neighbor who was being pursued by Georgia State Patrol soldiers early in the morning of 10th September.

As Leden’s parents learned more and more about why their neighbor was running away from the soldiers, they asked the Georgia State Patrol to explain why they couldn’t find a way to save Leden’s life instead of stopping the chase the way they did.

Leden Boykins Age

His current age was 12 years.

12 Year Old Boy Killed in Car Crash

As per the Georgia State Patrol incident report, Moore was arrested Friday night on Highway 92 in Paulding County for “reckless driving and speeding.”

Moore refused to leave his white Kia Sorrento and said he was uncomfortable with many of the officers present.

“He told the 911 operator, he said, ‘You have to find a guard here, there are too many police cars and I’m scared for my life,'” said Leden’s mother, Toni Boykins.

When a soldier allegedly started banging on Moore’s car window, he fled the scene and led the soldiers in a 3-mile high-speed chase.

A soldier performed a PIT maneuver that resulted in Moore’s vehicle overturning in a trench near Indian Trail and Highway 92.

Leden was fatally injured in the collision. Moore and his son were taken to nearby hospitals with injuries, but both survived.

Who Was The Suspect To Be Arrested?

Later, the police arrested Moore. He now faces a number of charges, including:

  • Murder while committing a crime
  • Strong attack on a police officer
  • DUI
  • Driving with an open container
  • Runaway or try to escape
  • Endangering children
  • Don’t keep track of things
  • First degree homicides in a vehicle

A 911 audio dispatch report received from CrimeOnline showed the dispatcher informed the soldier that there were children in the car. Moore’s son reportedly called 911 for his father and told them that Moore was afraid to get out of his car.

During the call, the dispatcher discovered that there were two children in the vehicle and then passed the information on to emergency services.

Trooper: “This vehicle better stop before you throw it into a ditch.”

Dispatcher: “There are children in the car.”

A few minutes later, the soldier said, “We have one under the vehicle,” referring to the crash after the vehicle landed in the ditch.

His Family Statement

The family said the soldiers tried to break the windows during the lockdown.

Anthony said that Moore’s wife told him that while Moore’s 14-year-old son was trying to get 911 to send the police or sheriff’s deputies to intervene, Moore was so scared for him, himself, and the two children, he himself was still on the line with the 911 operator.

Anthony said that regardless of whether Moore’s reactions were justified, soldiers immediately saw that there were two children in Moore’s car, regardless of the charges he might face.

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“What I know is that his decision-making process has to start when he sees these kids,” Boykins said.

“But couldn’t they put up an obstacle and protect these children? Didn’t you find any other way than to return this car?”

Leden’s parents said no law enforcement officer informed them that he had been killed or contacted them in any way.

“We’re trying to find out,” Anthony said, “who identified the body and why it was turned over for an autopsy without contacting the parents.”

Now they say that no one will tell them where Leden’s body is or when it will be delivered.

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