Who is Jonathan Gerrish?
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Who is Jonathan Gerrish? Biography, Wiki, Age, Cause of Death, Wife, Children, Hikers & Police Investigation Report

Last Updated on: 23rd October 2021, 05:35 am

Who is Jonathan Gerrish? Biography, Wiki

Jonathan Gerrish, his wife Ellen Chung, 30, and their one-year-old daughter Miju died of extreme heat and likely dehydration while hiking in the Sierra National Forest in August, law enforcement officials said Thursday, a riddle that had puzzled researchers for months.

Jonathan Gerrish’s Age

His current age was 45 years.

What Was The Incident & Cause of Death?

The Mariposa County Sheriff’s Department believes the family and their dog Oski were killed while hiking the Hites Cove Trail on August 15. Temperatures reached 109° F (42.8° C) that day, and most of the 8 miles (13 km) trail has little shade or trees.

“Heat-related deaths are difficult to investigate,” said Jeremy Briese, Mariposa County sheriff.

The unusual case had blocked prosecution since August 17, when authorities found the bodies of the family and their dog on the remote hiking trail near the Devil’s Gulch area in the Sierra National Forest.

Briese said they were all in one place and it seemed like they had done most of the hike.

His vehicle was parked a little more than a mile away, near a gate that led into the woods. A friend had reported the family missing, who were described as avid hikers.

A 2.5-liter container of water the family had with them was empty and they ran out of water. There is no cell phone reception on the go.

When authorities found the bodies, there was no immediate indication of the cause of death and the area was briefly treated as a dangerous location. The Sheriff’s Department described the case as an “unusual and unique situation”.

The case shocked the state and sparked national media coverage as online investigators and law enforcement agencies tried to find out what had happened to the family.

What Police Have Investigated Up Till Now?

In the months that followed, authorities investigated but ultimately ruled out several other causes of death, including carbon monoxide, exposure to gas from nearby mines, lightning strikes, suicide, and drugs.

Authorities also considered the possibility that the family died of toxic algae after water sources in the area tested positive, but said they had found no evidence during the press conference to support this as the cause of death. In September, the Sierra National Forest closed trails near the death of the family, citing “unknown hazards found on and near the Savage Lundy Trail”.

Temperatures were in their 70s when the family started their hike, but they rose to 108° F as they walked down the trail. Authorities were unable to determine the dog’s cause of death but assumed it was also heat-related.

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The circumstances of his death, with the entire family and the dog, found together, were unusual, Griese admitted, but his office was convinced of his results.

More than 30 agencies at the local, state, and state levels participated in the investigation. The FBI is analyzing a cell phone found on the family’s premises, which investigators say will provide more information about what happened that day.

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