Last Updated on: 10th November 2019, 01:27 am
Pakistani Govt Is Going To Introduce Its Own Messaging Application Very Soon
Following the escalation of data leakage around the world, the Pakistani govt made the decision to create an exclusive application for all official communications. It is referred to as the “Govt APP” and the government will probably no longer use any OTT services (over-the-top) such as WhatsApp after this launch.
The decision to introduce a messaging app was taken during a Cabinet meeting chaired by Prime Minister Imran Khan.
PM Imran Khan said:
A native application called Govt-APP can be developed. Any government-related communications can be run using this application instead of other OTT services such as WhatsApp, Viber and Facebook Messenger. The data is stored in Pakistan.
This is a very necessary development for Pakistan, as it is essential that the government has secure and internalized means of communication. All data is stored in Pakistan, which not only facilitates control, but also reduces dependence on third-party companies such as WhatsApp.
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This also greatly facilitates troubleshooting if the server crashes or another problem occurs.
Stay connected, our website provides more information about the Govt-APP.
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