Google Maps Now Provides Detailed Voice Navigation Feature For The Visually Impaired
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Google Maps Now Provides Detailed Voice Navigation Feature For The Visually Impaired

Last Updated on: 15th October 2019, 08:55 am

Google Maps Now Provides Detailed Voice Navigation Feature For The Visually Impaired

Steering around the world is as easy as pie in the current age. Locating your way through unknown areas these days isn’t a difficult task, all thanks to Google Maps. For the visually impaired, although, the challenge is quite real and can even be hazardous without the right assistance.

On account of, Google Maps is now launching a new feature to assist the visually impaired reach to their destination with more detailed navigation i.e. Voice navigation.

This new feature will repeatedly prompt consumers that they’re on the right path, alert them of a busy road ahead, inform how remote the next turn is through voice navigation, and automatically point them in the right direction if they cease.

The mentioned-below video explains how this new feature works.

YouTube video

Discussing this new feature, Wakana Sugiyama, a legally blind Google Business Analyst from Tokyo stated:

“With this new feature, I can navigate the streets of Tokyo with more support and belief. As I take my journey, Google Maps energetically lets me know that I’m on the right route, the distance until my next turn and the direction I’m walking in. As I proceed towards large intersections, I get a heads-up to cross with added care and attention. And if I unexpectedly leave my route, I’ll get a spoken notification that I’m being re-routed.”

Detailed guidance of this feature is only available in English and Japanese (for Japan and the US) on iOS and Android. Google affirms that assistance for more countries and languages will be available as soon as possible.

You can activate this feature by proceeding into the ‘Settings’ tab in Google Maps, then tapping on ‘Navigation’ and ‘Walking options’, and lastly on ‘Detailed Voice Guidance’.

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