Full Cold Moon December 2022 Meaning
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Full Cold Moon December 2022 Meaning

Last Updated on: 19th July 2023, 03:01 am

Full Cold Moon December 2022 Meaning

The last full moon of the year rises on 7th December with a cold full moon.

Mars opposition and occultation also occur simultaneously with this full moon, which is rare in astronomy. These events occur when Mars appears to pass behind the moon and when the earth, sun, and Mars are exactly aligned.

The last full moon of the year, the cold full moon, occurs in the midst of an extremely severe winter. Ancient people used the lunar cycle to track the passage of time before we could easily track time and dates.

Thus, throughout the year, each full moon had a name that was often associated with characteristics of that month or season.

According to The Old Farmer’s Almanac, other tribes and cultures around the world have given the December full moon a variety of other names besides the Native American Mohawk term “Cold Moon”.

Because of its proximity to the winter solstice on 21st December, the day of the year with the shortest hours of daylight and the longest hours of darkness, the Mohican nickname for the full moon is the Long Night Moon.

The Haida and Cherokee called this full moon Snow Moon, while the Cree called it Drift Clearing Moon, Frost Blast Tree Moon, and Frost Moon.

The New Zealanders Mori called this full moon Hakihea, meaning “the birds are now in their nests”, while the ancient European pagans gave it the name “Moon before Christmas”. December is midsummer in New Zealand, which is located in the southern hemisphere.

Most of these names reflect the cold and snowy December weather, which averages minus 50 degrees Fahrenheit across much of the continental United States.

The coldest states are Alaska (average winter temperature: 2.6 degrees Fahrenheit), Minnesota (12.4 degrees), North Dakota (12.2 degrees), and Wisconsin (17.2 degrees).

Other Full Moon names throughout the year include the Wolf Moon in January, the Worm Moon in March (named for the worms that emerged from the warmer spring earth), the Strawberry Moon in June, and, perhaps most notably, the Harvest Moon in September and October.

The cool Full Moon on December 7 will be visible above the horizon for a long time due to its high orbit in the sky. This is perfect for stargazing and for observing the occultation of Mars that will take place on the same night. In Los Angeles, the moon rises at around 4:22 p.m.

The closure begins at 6:30 p.m. local time in Los Angeles and will be viewable across most of North America and Europe. At 7:30 p.m., the red planet will re-emerge from its shadow behind the moon.

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The occlusion can also be viewed live online for people outside of the viewing area, for example in the southern hemisphere.

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