Facebook Will Soon Allow You To Create Multiple Profiles On a Single Account
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Facebook Will Soon Allow You To Create Multiple Profiles On a Single Account

Facebook Will Soon Allow You To Create Multiple Profiles On a Single Account

Facebook only allows you to create a profile on your account, but that may change soon with a future update. The social media giant is testing a new feature that will allow you to create multiple profiles on the same account.

The idea behind this new feature is to allow people to have different profiles depending on the groups they want to interact with. For example, you can create separate profiles for work, family, friends, and other needs to ensure you can access relevant groups quickly and without distractions based on your profile.

According to Facebook, the new feature will “help people personalize their experience based on their interests and connections.” The social network is currently testing it with Insiders, and the feature allows you to create up to 5 profiles on a single account, which should be enough for most people.

You can have different usernames and profile information for each profile, but Facebook says your main profile should have your real name to avoid problems. To avoid glitches, Facebook said all profiles in an account are subject to the same company policies so there’s no abuse.

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However, your child profiles do not have the same permissions as your parent profile. For example, you can only create and merge pages in your main profile. Some other features may also be limited to the main profile, but the details are not clear.

As mentioned above, Facebook is only testing the feature with a handful of users, so it’s not available to everyone at this time. It’s unclear when the testing feature will come out, but once it does it should be available to a lot more people.

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