Elon Musk questions calls to boycott Twitter by Soros-backed groups and Clinton agents
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Elon Musk questions calls to boycott Twitter by Soros-backed groups and Clinton agents

Last Updated on: 5th July 2023, 05:36 pm

Elon Musk questions calls to boycott Twitter by Soros-backed groups and Clinton agents

Elon Musk wants to know who is behind a letter signed by more than two dozen liberal organizations urging advertisers to boycott Twitter if it completes its takeover.

If Musk takes control of Twitter, left-wing NGOs, including billionaire financier George Soros and former Clinton operatives, as well as the European Union and the Canadian government, will call for a boycott.

“Who funds these organizations that want to control your access to information? Investigating…” Elon Musk tweeted on Tuesday.

He added that “sunlight is the best disinfectant.”

The letter, signed by 26 organizations, reads: “Elon Musk’s acquisition of Twitter will further poison our information ecosystem and pose a direct threat to public safety, particularly for those who are already most vulnerable and marginalized.”

Elon Musk’s acquisition of Twitter means that advertising on the platform “risks being associated with a platform that fuels hatred, extremism, health misinformation and conspiracy theorists,” the letter said.

“Twitter, under Sous Musk’s direction, risks becoming a disinformation channel associated with your brand, which at once pollutes our information system or leaves trust in the institutions and information media,” the letter added.

“Under Musk’s leadership, Twitter risks becoming a cesspool of disinformation, with his brand polluting our information ecosystem while trust in institutions and media is already at its peak,” the letter adds.

“Your ad dollars can fund Musk’s vanity project or hold him accountable. We ask that you request Musk to uphold these basic standards of community trust and safety, and withdraw your ad spend from Twitter if you are not doing so.”

Logos for three groups appear on the document’s letterhead: Accountable Tech, Media Matters for America, and UltraViolet.

Accountable Tech is a nonprofit organization based in Washington, DC with ties to prominent Democrats. One co-founder, Jesse Lehrich, previously worked as a spokesperson for Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign. He is also the nephew of David Axelrod, a former adviser to Obama.

David Brock, a political activist and Clinton supporter, founded Media Matters for America. The MMFA website is “dedicated to the comprehensive monitoring, analysis, and correction of conservative misinformation in the United States media.”

UltraViolet is a feminist movement “mobilized to fight sexism and create a more inclusive world that accurately represents all women, from politics and government to the media and pop culture”.

Other signatories, like Access Now, have received support from the governments of Canada and Europe, as well as George Soros, the billionaire financier who runs the Open Society Foundations.

Also Read: Elon Musk is considering ways to monetize Twitter

Last Monday, Twitter’s board of directors approved Musk’s $44 billion buyout deal. The richest man in the world will change the site’s content filtering policy to restore “free speech” on the platform.

Liberals fear Musk could reinstate Donald Trump, who was banned from using Twitter during the Jan. 6, 2021 US Capitol protests, and other prominent conservative figures previously banned.

Also Read: Elon Musk suggests calling Trump’s ‘social truth’ ‘trumpet’

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