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Economic Survey Shows the Literacy Rate in Pakistan Stagnated at 60%

Last Updated on: 17th July 2023, 02:01 pm

The literacy rate among teens 10 years and older in the nation has deteriorated to 60%. In either case, Sindh has shown a decreasing pattern in education rates; Show the consequences of the Pakistan Living and Social Standards Measure (PSLM) 2019-20 overview.

The executive summary, run by the Pakistani Bureau of Statistics (PBS), was intended to provide information to examine improvement plans at public, provincial, and regional levels for evidence-based policymaking.

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Provision of regional point-by-point result markers with a breakdown by education, health, housing, water sterilization, and cleanliness in the metropolises and at the national level as well as data on data comparison and innovation (TIC), Food Fragility Experience Scale (FIES) as well as disability and movement.

According to the study, net enrollments at the major, central, and enrollment levels in the areas are out of date or show decreasing patterns.

Inscriptions at all levels are most notable in Punjab, followed by Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (K-P) and Sindh, while they are least present in Balochistan.

The 2019-2020 PSLM said all health markers showed a pattern of improvement compared to the 2014-15 PSLM.

Total registration-dependent immunization for mature children aged 12-23 months increased from 60% in 2014-15 to 70% in 2019-20 overall, and accordingly, all regions showed an expansion pattern.

Prenatal care for women ages 15 to 49 has expanded to a substantial 77%, compared to 73% in the 2014-15 PSLM.

Another crucial factor in maternal and child health is that the level of transportation supported by talented obstetricians in Pakistan increased to 68% overall in 2019-20, compared to 58% in 2014-15.

The results show that, in general, 12% of families own a PC or a PC; 93% have cell phones and 33% have internet access, the highest rates in metropolitan areas.

Overall, 45% of people aged 10 and over own mobile phones and 19% use web offices. Be that as it may, there is a great contrast in sexual orientation on both points: 65% of men have cell phones compared to 25% of women.

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The accommodation overview showed that there are large gaps on practically all markers in metropolises and rural regions as well as in regions.

Overall, almost 96% of families in Pakistan use energy for lighting: 91% have electricity, and 5% use energy generated by solar panels. About 48% of families use gas as their main cooking fuel, while 37% of families use clean fuel for lighting, cooking, and heating.

The study found that a total of 84% of families in Pakistan are food safe. 14% of families reported moderate food instability, although 2% of families had severe food weakness.