Champions With Waqar Zaka Reality Show Aired On BOL Entertainment
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‘Champions’ with Waqar Zaka Banned By PEMRA – IHC Notice

Last Updated on: 3rd July 2023, 11:39 pm

Islamabad High Court (IHC) upheld an order from the Pakistani electronic media regulatory authority (PEMRA) to banned Champions with Waqar zaka, a television reality show from BOL Entertainment.

According to PEMRA, “Championsshow has been banned on account ofviolating the social, religious and cultural values of the country“.

The content of this reality show was inconsistent with everyone who complained about the violence and language of the program. The champions with Waqar zaka banned by PEMRA on the grounds that its content was vulgar and indecent.

It was also believed to violate religious, social, and cultural values. The ban was imposed by PEMRA on January 20, 2020.

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So far, neither the BOL network nor the content creator of this reality show commented on this recent development.

Islamabad High Court Justifications to Banned Champions with Waqar Zaka

Islamabad High Court considered carefully before concluding that they were on the same page as PEMRA, which offended the country’s “social, religious and cultural values”.

BOL Network was pretty controversial with PEMRA. One of them is the network, which has legal problems broadcasting episodes of the last season of the sitcom Bulbulay. Waqar Zaka is currently running his own show on his YouTube channel likewise his headphones show.

What This Reality Show is All About

The controversial television personality and presenter Waqar Zaka was the face of numerous reality shows in Pakistan like living on the edge, over the edge, XPOSED etc.

The Zaka’s personality has often been controversial over the years. His recent show ‘champions‘ show was broadcasted on BOL Entertainment.

The show followed a similar pattern to Big Brother or Big Boss. Several participants are selected and live in one house and have different challenges. The mental and physical challenges took champions contestants to different locations. One participant is eliminated every week.

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