
data scientist salary careers and jobs

What will data scientist career look like in 2021?

If you are a data scientist or studying data science, you have to look to the future for your career.
If you are unfamiliar with careers in this area, please let them know that the terms big data, data science and data mining have become synonymous with communication between public data, business data, transactions, sensor data and social media, and access to all of data.

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FTC And Google Reached A $170 Million Settlement Of Alleged Child's Privacy Violations By YouTube

FTC And Google Reached A $170 Million Settlement Of Alleged Child’s Privacy Violations By YouTube

YouTube asks the content creators to indicate if their content is intended for children to conform by COPPA policy and laws.

Once YouTube has been notified by content creators, it now disables targeted ads in their videos to comply with child-recorded data laws.

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Pakistani Govt Is Going To Introduce Its Own Messaging Application Very Soon

Pakistani Govt Is Going To Introduce Its Own Messaging Application Very Soon

Following the escalation of data leakage around the world, the Pakistani govt made the decision to create an exclusive application for all official communications. It is referred to as the “Govt APP” and the government will probably no longer use any OTT services (over-the-top) such as WhatsApp after this launch.

The decision to introduce a messaging app was taken during a Cabinet meeting chaired by Prime Minister Imran Khan.

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