
Here you will get the latest education news in Pakistan and around the world.

internshala work from home

India’s Leading Platform ‘Internshala’ is offering 12,000+ Work From Home Internships with Guaranteed Stipend up to 1.8 Lacs

To make the most of these coronavirus lockdown situations; India’s leading Internship platform ‘Internshala’ has decided to offer 12000+ work from home internships with guaranteed stipend up to 1.8 Lacs.

India’s Leading Platform ‘Internshala’ is offering 12,000+ Work From Home Internships with Guaranteed Stipend up to 1.8 Lacs Read More »

International Exams For Admission In Foreign Universities Study Abroad with Scholarship

International Exams For Admission In Foreign Universities 🔥 | Study Abroad with Scholarship [2023]

Every International student dreams to get admission to foreign universities to secure their future and get better further study and job opportunities.

If any student wants to study abroad with a scholarship then most of the institutes have international exams for admission in foreign universities like GMAT, GRE, IELTS, and others.

International Exams For Admission In Foreign Universities 🔥 | Study Abroad with Scholarship [2023] Read More »

Pakistani Engineers Degrees Are Now Recognized By Washington Accord Senator Rukhsana Zuberi

Pakistani Engineers Degrees Are Now Recognized By Washington Accord: Senator Rukhsana Zuberi

Now that Pakistan is a permanent member of the Washington Accord, engineering degrees from local higher education institutions are now accepted worldwide. The Washington Accord is an international accreditation agreement that recognizes the references of its signatory countries.

Pakistani Engineers Degrees Are Now Recognized By Washington Accord: Senator Rukhsana Zuberi Read More »

Govt Launches Pakistan Largest Ehsaas Undergraduate Scholarship Program Under HEC

Govt Launches Pakistan’s Largest “Ehsaas Undergraduate Scholarship Program” Under HEC

Prime Minister Imran Khan has introduced the “Largest Undergraduate Scholarship Program” in the history of govt based on Pakistan’s needs as part of the Ehsaas program.

The vision behind the 200,000 scholarships in the next four years is the development of human capital. 50% of the scholarships are reserved for students.

Govt Launches Pakistan’s Largest “Ehsaas Undergraduate Scholarship Program” Under HEC Read More »