Artifact AI Tool Can Summarize And Simplify Long Articles
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Artifact AI Tool Can Summarize And Simplify Long Articles

Last Updated on: 20th July 2023, 09:44 pm

Artifact AI Tool Can Summarize And Simplify Long Articles

On Tuesday, Artifact, a news app created by the co-founders of Instagram, unveiled a new artificial intelligence feature that can provide article summaries.

The beauty of this feature is that you can wrap items in different hues, some of which are fun while others are really practical. To use the feature, users can tap on the “Summarize” option after clicking the “Aa” icon at the top of the screen.

Within seconds, the summary will appear in a black box at the top of the screen.

You can also choose different tones for the summary, e.g. Emoji, Poem, Gen Z, and Explain How I’m Five by accessing the three-dot menu in the same black box.

The tool performed surprisingly well in The Verge’s tests for all of its sound options. The “Explain like I’m five” option is about as candid as you’d expect, and the Poem option can be a bit imprecise at times but mostly works. However, the most consistent keynote is “Abstract”.

Artifact warns that its AI tool can make mistakes, so we recommend reading the full article and comparing it to the summary to make sure nothing important has been left out or misinformation generated.

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