Who is Alan Gonzalez of Buckeye?
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Who is Alan Gonzalez of Buckeye? Biography, Wiki, Age, Arrested, Killing Of Neighbor & Trial

Last Updated on: 5th December 2021, 07:45 am

Who is Alan Gonzalez of Buckeye? Biography, Wiki

Alan Gonzalez is a Buckeye man who was arrested after allegedly shooting and killing a neighbor.

He is in police custody after a fatal shooting in Buckeye on Friday evening, the authorities said.

Alan Gonzalez’s Age

His current age is 28 years.

What Was The Incident, Killing Of Neighbor?

Police said officers were outside Buckeye Police Headquarters on Yuma Road at around 8:00 p.m. when they heard several shots. Police searched nearby neighborhoods and found a man, Alfonso Gastelum, 27, in front of a house who was killed by gunshot wounds, police said.

Investigators learned that Gastelum’s father had an ongoing problem with Gonzalez and that there was an injunction against the harassment against him.

Police said Gonzalez went to Gastelum’s house last night, confronted him outside, and shot him several times before he left.

Alan Gonzalez Arrested

Gonzalez was found and arrested by the police shortly afterward.

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