Dubai Will Soon Launch Self-Driving Taxis
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Dubai Will Soon Launch Self-Driving Taxis

Last Updated on: 14th July 2023, 07:04 am

Dubai Will Soon Launch Self-Driving Taxis

Dubai is preparing to become the first city outside the US to roll out a network of autonomous taxis, with the Highways and Transportation Authority (RTA) and self-driving technology company Cruise beginning testing and data collection for the innovative project.

On Twitter, RTA announced that it is testing this upcoming technology for traffic lights, road signs, driver behavior and other aspects of driving five Chevy autonomous cars on Jumeirah 1.

Ahmed Hashem Bahrozyan, CEO of RTA Public Transport Agency, described data collection and verification as key elements of Dubai’s smart transport and technology efforts.

He said these steps will ensure Cruise’s AI adapts to Dubai traffic, aiming to gather the best possible information using lidars, radar and cameras that record images in a full 360-degree panorama.

RTA and Cruise aim to bring these autonomous taxis to market by 2030, making it the first initiative of its kind in Dubai. RTA will launch around 4,000 autonomous vehicles, making Dubai the first city outside of the United States to have this network.

Aside from being autonomous, autonomous taxis offer several other advantages such as E.g. less traffic congestion, fewer traffic violations, and less dangerous emissions.

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